Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Middling Poem On My Current Goings On

I'm afraid I've not much to say.
The demons are at bay;
I ache from work*, not from play.

I see my friends, I drink a little wine,
I catch the eye of a cutie from time to time**.

It's all nice, it proves to suffice,
And I sleep soundly in the winter's rime.

*Temp job at a hospital through the end of the month; will at least pay my bills for the rest of this month and rent for next, methinks.
**As a function of said job, I was at a hardware store with a medical supply rep trying to get 504 plastic dividers cut to spec. Cutie was cutting our dividers. Definitely a spark there, we smiled and made googly eyes at one another. Medical rep took me back to the hospital so I could get started on assembly, and he told me he was gonna get me a date with this guy. ha. In the end, he wound up cutting his finger and had to be taken to get a stitch by his boss. So med rep guy asked the lad's coworkers about him; 31 and single. I've got an apology bottle of Rogue's Dead Guy Ale in my fridge to take him tomorrow, along with a note including my phone number. He makes me wish I had an Econoline van. He's definitely "If this van's a rockin' don't come knockin'" material.

I think it's time to get back on the old saddle and have a proper shag partner.

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