Sunday, May 16, 2010

Someday, I'll be a real girl

I am struggling a ton with the future.


I want to make music. Very specific music. But I do not know musicians who could assist me, and I feel, more and more, that perhaps this is something I will have to do very much on my own. In a house. In the country. In Tennessee. The urge to flee comes on strong about every three weeks, and each time it's a little stronger, more desperate, than the first.

But, perhaps more desperate, is the complete lack of actual creative drive. I feel that there is shit working in there, and that one day I'll paint, or write or put together a tune, but fuck all if it ain't just dust right now.

Things I want in my future (projection of this "future" about three years from now):

At least half if not all debt eradicated (current: approx. $18,000)
Not being a waitress
A complicated, loving relationship that constantly keeps me on my toes; i.e. Andy
At least something resembling a firm plot to have a child
At least something resembling a firm plot to own a house
One solid showing of my art not in a coffee shop or middling gallery
A second book of poetry published (I think next year's the year for that; the first, Chaos to Grace, was published in 2001)
The completion or at least major progress on my novel(la), Sumtime Silver Snippety
At the very least, preliminary work on music project, A Deceit of Lapwings, which will include learning how to record music, accumulating instruments, taking voice lessons to regain my high range and hone tone
A stint in Tennessee of about 6 months to 1 year to refine/do most of the above

Careers I could take on/would enjoy doing to make a living which I'll likely never get in creative pursuits:

carpentry and framing
anthropological work in the fields of Christianity and/or pop culture

Now that I've put all that down on "paper", how the fuck do I get there? It's that question which brought me to tears today. So I decided to figure out what I want, put a reasonable timeframe on it, and get crackin'. The debt goes first, and at the close of this year, I expect to have a solid dent in it.

Someday, I'll be a real girl.


SweetBird said...

Oh girl...if I had any energy, mental or otherwise, to respond to this..I would say many helpful and magical things.

All I can say right now is that our lives continue to mirror each other. And that I wish we could give each other hugs.

Igneous, Wanton & Veritas said...

We can give one another hugs on October 1st, 2010, at the Napoleon House in New Orleans. My birthday will be two days before, and I intend to Greyhound it the 48 hours prior to NOLA in order to be there for my 32nd birthday. Even if that means doing it by myself.

In any case, I will be at the Napoleon House on October 1st at 7p.m. as I suggested a ways back. I'll order two Pimm's Cups and a muffuletta. I'll have a hotel room. All you have to do is show up.