Wednesday, February 27, 2013

This Poem Kills Platitudes

My friend Juni's father wrote this poem. He has died, and she wasn't even aware that he'd written poetry.

The words here, the simplicity of how they're written, the rawness of it, the aching vulnerability, I've just got tears streaming down my face.

This is what love is. This is how you love. Belief or acceptance of anything else won't get you very far.

And fuck Chris for not wanting to try.


I have a need for you to be what I make you.

It's very difficult for me
to let you come to me
on your own,
as only what you are


I have a need to be what you want to make me.

It's very difficult for me
to come to you
on my own, 
as only what I am.

I am afraid


if I give you my fear
the way will open
for us to come together,
as only what we are.

I would like to try. ~Liam Grimm

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