Thursday, March 7, 2013

False alarm! I'm not moving to Uptown in two months.

Once March 1st drew near and I knew I had to make a decision about leaving this place, it made me more and more emotional to think about leaving. I sincerely got choked up at the very thought of packing up this beautiful place and trying to stuff me and my cats in a space that would easily be 500 square feet smaller, with no porches, and no back yard. Plus, I had my parents' dog Riley for a week around that time, and it became pretty clear to me that having a dog in the house helps my brains quite a lot.

My parents have wanted to give me one of their breeding dogs, Emma, for about a year, but it didn't seem feasible. After having Riley, I realize how easy it is to have an adult, super relaxed dog in the house, and how much it does for my well being.

So, this means a ton of bike rides to and from Uptown, through less than savory territory, but at least when I'm home, I'll be, truly, at home.

And, I won't have to move twice in one year, when I pack up for warmer climes in November.

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