Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Science vs. Romance

Part of the constant frustration of being me is that, when given enough information to go on, I can easily argue, and believe, both sides of any story or situation, even in the context of my own relationships. Oftentimes, the biggest part of the "fight" is that the other party isn't actually telling me how they feel and why, they're blocking me out, they're resisting communication, they're projecting anger or resentment instead of efficiently addressing the issue. Then, when the true, bare bones of the scenario are revealed, most of the time, that's the end of things, and it's usually met with some frustration by me since what has sometimes been weeks of misunderstandings could have been avoided entirely by just saying what you mean to begin with. I can be shockingly logical when it's clear that someone isn't just spitting evasive emotion at me. I do not have a prevaricating nature, and my hackles cannot be more quickly raised than by having to deal with it in others. I understand that sometimes, it's a process, and the other party honestly doesn't know how they feel or why and can't articulate things, but there's still the projection dance that's really hard to not react super emotionally to, which always exacerbates things. And I'm sure, from time to time, I do the same thing without realizing it. Unfortunately.

There's also the split of science vs. well, not science.

I can think about palm reading and know that there's no way looking at the lines on my hand mean diddly squat. And yet, the two times I've had my palm read, things were said to me that rang so true, I'm still nearly daily pondering them, years and years later.

And what of ghosts? Logic says there's no evidence of any soul or spirit that powers the body other than the simple (not simple) mechanics of a living thing. And yet, I've experienced visits from dead family members, seen things that shouldn't be there, had things go missing only to be found in conspicuous places months later, etc. I can reason that there is a "rational" explanation for all of this, but my heart also tells me to believe in ghosts is rational.

Or astrology, which has been painfully accurate to my life thus far. Or, well, a dozen other things. I feel like a hypocrite, but I don't think that's the word for it. Is there a label that can be applied here? I've always been at a loss to find one.

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